Myco Nuker™

By BeOrganic

My Wife’s Nail Fungus Almost Left Her Paralyzed

Bizarre circumstances led me to discover the true cause of fungal infection, and

The Unique Natural Breakthrough That Will Free You of Fungus and Secure You with Bionic Cells!

“Your wife is losing every sensation in her body”, the doctor said.

“I regret to tell you this, but your wife has FUNGAL MENINGITIS.”

“The fungus invaded her body and reached the nervous system in her spinal cord… She’s getting paralyzed” ...

She may even develop sepsis and die…

Only God can save her now…” finished the doctor.

I stood there in icy silence like I was in a bad dream…

A simple fungus threatening to paralyze my wife at 47 years old?...

It looked like an “innocent” yellow dot, a common infected toenail…

When, actually, this seemingly small pest was a silent deadly enemy…

Viciously colonizing Anna’s blood and her nervous system…

Nausea, severe throbbing headaches…

Burning fever, paralysis…

A ticking time bomb in my wife’s body, devastating her brain…

And threatening to take Anna’s life…

I felt like I had gone to sleep and woke up into a nightmare…

And just seeing my wife there, on the hospital bed…

With tears in her beautiful eyes…

Trembling with fear and despair…

Tore me apart.

And then, she whispered the words I’ll never forget

“I’ll always live in your heart”, she said.

I just broke into little pieces…

And felt more helpless than ever.

I suddenly felt angry at everybody…

Angry at the world…

Angry at the doctors who prescribed differentdrugs that didn’t work…

Angry even at God for betraying our trust and deserting us.

But what frustrated me the most was not being able to do anything to help.

I didn’t know how.

And even though I get chills down my spine just remembering it…

It’s thrilling to disclose this to you today

Because that terrible experience pushed me to embark on a journey that transformed everything in my life, and in the lives of tens of thousands of people…

And, after so many dangerous treatments, wasted money and endless feelings of frustration – remove the yellow dots on her nails overnight, and in just a matter of weeks…

Completely remove the nasty fungus from her finger nails, her skin and her body…

Going from this

to this...

Freeing her from the paralyzing feelings of shame, stress and depression that were ravaging her health…

And, in turn, reinforce the self-confidence, good mood, high energy levels, sex drive, and life-force she longed so much to enjoy again!

Dazzling her doctor, and every fungus-suffering woman and man yearning to know her secret.

Because, regardless of what you’ve been told…

The true cause of your fungal infection has nothing to do with:

The color of your skin… If you’re a man or a woman… How young or old you are… How much money you make…

How long you stay at the gym or at the pool…

Or how many hours a day your shoes are strangling your feet…

And they might come up with all these reasons, just to make you feel like you need their help.

To make you feel weak, ashamed and guilty.

But it’s not your fault.

And actually, it’s all caused by this:

A deadly fungus that’s forcing its way through your blood stream right now...

Eating away at your cells, poisoning your blood and forcing your organs to shut down entirely.

And scientists have found these fungi abundant everywhere: in the soil, on everything we touch, in the air we breathe and inside our bodies...

Particularly in people over 40, who realize they get infected easier and have a much harder time fighting the infection off...

And according to some essential studies from the US National Institutes of Health, the synthetic drugs they are prescribing and the toxins they allow in the food, water and air...

...are the REAL root cause of why fungal infections occur and develop in our bodies...

and the real reason for America’s alarming fungal infection crisis.

But have no fear,

By using my discovery of the ancient 7 Second “Herba-Hack” that I’ll reveal in just a moment...

In truth, this simple 7 Second “Herba-Hack” is so complete and effective,

And so different from any dangerous prescription drugs or expensive surgeries…

That the pharmaceutical industry, whose entire business relies on you NEVER being healed,

Keeps it hidden away from you.

Because the US Antifungal Drugs Market is estimated at $13,719 million…

And is expected to RISE to $17,718 million by 2023!

So Big Pharma is scared, because what I am about to reveal to you could bankrupt their business model overnight.

Yes, this 100% natural and safe 7-second daily ritual restored and saved my wife’s life.

It addressed the true cause of the fungal infection and cleared the fungi out of her body...

Protecting her liver, blood, lungs and heart and rejuvenating her cells!

My wife finally felt self-confident and sexy enough to again wear her favorite cut shoes at work, to unveil her body at the pool or the gym, and even in our bedroom...

And this is too important to hide.

And, maybe, the doctors we trust to protect our health simply didn’t know about this simple, 100% natural and bizarre breakthrough…

But it’s here now.

So stay with me, because in the next 5 minutes you’ll hear the truth straight from the horse’s mouth…

As I’m going to share with you why everything you thought you knew about fungal infection and how to heal it, is clearly WRONG.

I’ll reveal the 3 biggest fungal infection LIES spread by doctors and “fungi experts” around the world…

… and why every topical product or prescription drug you use may temporarily and superficially work...

...while placing your health in grave danger.

In fact, fungus can even kill you if you don’t discover and address the root cause correctly.

So today, I will reveal the true reasons that REALLY cause your fungus to damage not only your nails, but your entire body…

And the scientifically-proven 7-second Herba-Hack that you can do tonight to crush this parasite…

Because tonight, while you’re fast asleep, this trick will trigger the right wheels in your system to flush away the fungi from your nails, skin and body.

And cleanse your blood, protect your organs, boost your energy and mental status, and fortify your immunity.

Plus, you’ll get the scientific data that proves how this works.

More than 27,305 people - and counting - confirm: it’s working!

And their messages keep coming, filling my heart with great joy that this holistic miracle saved them, too.

So whether you’re male or female…

25 or 95 years old…

Whether it’s Athlete’s Foot, Jock Itch or Candida…

Or a fungal infection that is wreaking havoc on your skin, blood, brain and vital organs…

And you’ve had it for 1 week or it’s been coming and going for 10 years…

Whether you’ve tried every single prescription drug, pill, topical cream or surgery out there…

Or simply care about your health...

Please, pay close attention to every single word because you’re about to discover the most innovative natural health solution in the world!

It is really that powerful.

You will triumph over your fungal infection with nothing more than a glass of water and this unique once a day 7-second Herba-Hack.

And yes, it is really that easy.

Ok. So first, let me properly introduce myself…


My name is PETER WRIGHT.

I’m a 67-year-old retired paramedic and I was lucky enough to marry Anna, the love of my life.

We have two children, a boy and a girl, that are both married and live with their families now.

As an EMT, it was my mission to support my fellow people in life-and-death situations, to save their lives for over three decades.

And I know what it’s like to feel helpless.

When you don’t know exactly what the threat is, let alone how to fight it…

And that’s what happened to my wife and me.

Our story is very intimate and a bit uncomfortable, but I trust that you will resonate with my story.

It started about 20 years ago, when our second child went away to college.

She always had this exuberant vitality and lust for life…

And now that the kids were finally grown…

As we were approaching 50…

She wanted to get back in shape…

So, she regularly went to the gym and the pool.

And then one day, I noticed a yellow dot on Anna’s toenail.

It was weird, because she always had impeccable hygiene…

She smiled like she always did and said she’ll take care of it.

Our first thought was to look online for some easy, elegant solution…

So we bought some fancy topical creams.

I watched her put it on the nail every night and, after a while, the yellow dot appeared to be gone.

However, I noticed she was no longer going to the gym anymore and I asked Anna why…

Only to discover that the skin around her nail was inflamed, itching and burning…

So, she immediately stopped using the creams and, in no time, the yellow dot on her nail was back.

Very bad idea!...

Besides costing us a ton of money, it caused Anna considerable pain and, in a few months, the fungus was back on her nail again…

I didn’t realize it then, but Anna was not laughing anymore…

I could see her sadder than usual, a bit distant and more lost in her own thoughts…

She stopped wearing her favorite clothes and she switched from elegant shoes to some manly boots…

It was so bad that I caught myself fantasizing about other women…

sexy women on the weather channel or random women passing by on the street.

At first, I didn’t know what to think…

I’ve never seen Anna so unhappy…

Not even when our children were toddlers, screaming all day long and turning our house into a zoo…

And making every week seem like one long endless day.

Then, the idea that she’s cheating on me began to take shape in my head.

Betrayal and disappointment…

At the thought that she could leave me…

After we’d successfully brought up our children and when we could finally enjoy each other again.

It was absurd, though, because we’ve always had an amazing, honest relationship, one that others were envious of.

So I decided to get the truth and I confronted Anna about it.

And the truth left me speechless!

The infection on Anna’s toenail had spread to the other nails…

turning them into a greenish-dark sticky mold, releasing a heavy, pungent odor, impossible to ignore or tolerate…

And the skin around her toenails and in between the toes became red, itchy and filled with liquid...

She was embarrassed, even with socks on and closed shoes...

And the most shameful thing for Anna was that her intimate parts began itching and she discovered a nasty red rash there.

And she was too ashamed to tell me about it…

Every time she looked in the mirror, trying on her outfit for the day, I could see shame and disgust in her eyes.

Oh, I felt so guilty! My beloved partner…

I always expected Anna to be this perfect woman…

So I made her feel she couldn’t confide in me with this…

Afraid not to let me down.

On the other hand, I felt relieved…

To have my fear of betrayal shattered…

And immediately scheduled an appointment with our doctor.

Anna went to see Dr. Thomas and, no surprise, he recommended some prescription drugs…

And although we didn’t realize it at the time, this moment would mark the true beginning of our nightmare.

Dr. Thomas assured Anna that she’d be alright…

“People with fungus, athlete's foot, jock itch and candida walk through my front door every day”, he said...

“She just needs to follow the treatment, and in a few months, she’ll be as good as new.”

Phew! Good news, finally!

We went back home happy and hopeful, and Anna began her treatment.

Fast forward a few months, and Anna’s nails appeared to heal.

“The storm has passed”, I thought to myself.

I felt at ease to see my wife “better” …

Feeling confident again to put on her sexy clothes and fancy shoes.

She even looked thinner…

Which I thought was great! Hey, she’s back to her old sexy self again, looking fine, just like before…

And in a short while, we both forgot about the fungus.

Our lives were back to normal…

Or so I thought.

Until one morning, when Anna came downstairs later than usual…

Dizzy and disoriented, with a splitting headache.

It was only at that moment I realized she was much thinner than before…

All worn out and burning up with fever…

And it seemed to me she had rashes on her skin and no sparkle in her eyes.

She couldn’t eat... and felt like throwing up instead.

I was immediately concerned and wanted to take her to the doctor right then and there.

But Anna had always been so strong willed and proud…

“There’s no need to be alarmed”, she said…

“My menopause kicked in, Dr. Thomas warned me about it, and with all that’s been going on”

“I was feeling down for quite some time” …

“I just didn’t want to bother you with it”, she told me with a smile and then she kissed me…

So, every day, my wife was putting on her makeup, the fanciest clothes, and at the same time… she was putting on an act…

To create the idea that everything is perfect, to comfort me throughout the day…

Hmm, she was still taking care of me, as always.

As I was walking to my car, her lips were still burning my cheek…

Needless to say, I was not myself the entire day…

Something didn’t feel right about it.

So, I began investigating her symptoms…

About menopause and about the prescription drugs Anna had been taking for her fungal infection…

And then, it hit me like a hammer!

The problems Anna was struggling against were actually KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS of the antifungal prescription drugs she was taking...

Right there in small letters, the most praised antifungal prescription drug’s leaflet contained a long list of side effects…

Burning red rashes that itch and quickly spread…

Hives, problems with eyesight and sensation of spinning or whirling…

Head pain, depression, low energy, fever...

Indigestion, diarrhea, gas and intense abdominal pain...

Bad taste in the mouth and throwing up...

Just like what Anna was experiencing.


I went on reading and it got worse.

In a very long and horrific list, other of its side effects included:

KIDNEY inflammation, pancreatitis, hepatitis…

Inflammation in the LUNGS caused by an allergic reaction...

Inflammation of the middle tissue HEART muscle or pericardium...

Decrease of all cells in the BLOOD, especially the white ones that play a major role in the immune system...


And it was not only this drugs’ side effects, but many other antifungal prescription drugs, too…

Sweet Jesus! What is the pharma system doing?...

Gambling with my wife’s health…

Playing Russian Roulette with people’s lives!...

I made an effort to calm down and convince myself that it’s all in my head…

Maybe I’m overreacting…

After all, it’s my wife we’re talking about.

I couldn’t work the rest of the day, though…

And I came home earlier from work…

To surprise Anna with flowers and wine…

Lying to myself she’s just fine and we’ll have a romantic evening together.

It had been a while.

As I parked my car in our driveway…

I thought I'd seen Anna through a window…

Or something that resembled my wife

She was standing, with a face and hair in distress…

Staring blankly, with empty eyes.

As she vaguely saw me drive in, she dropped the cup from her hand…

For a second there, my heart stopped.

I rushed inside, only to see my wife collapsing on the floor…

My world crumbled to pieces!

And even though all my life I did exactly that - saved lives in emergency situations…

Lucid, focused, efficient…

Seeing Anna lying there, I just froze.


I dialed 9.1.1. – “lucky” automatism…

My EMT buddies came fast and they took us to the hospital…

Where they put Anna in the emergency room…

And all I could do was wait...

For what seemed like an eternity…

And when the doctor came to give me the results, I dropped in stupor!

It was much worse than I thought at first:

The fungus had invaded Anna’s bloodstream and was poisoning her entire body…

Making its way to her spine, paralyzing Anna’s nervous system…

And threatening to kill her.

They hooked my wife up to IVs with antibiotics and even more antifungal medications…

But they told me that they weren’t sure if her damaged body could fight off the infection and recover.

“Your wife’s life is hanging by a thread.”

Impossible! How can this be?...

How can this happen from a simple fungus?...

I was shocked and couldn’t wrap my head around it…

The doctors told me that many people in America had suffered acute liver failure, heart failure, and even got their feet amputated due to fungal infections…

Actually, the CDC notes: “More than 1 in 3 patients with an invasive fungal infection has died” …

All because of an infection spread from a poorly-treated fungus.

Was this for real?...

Do people really get this from a tiny toenail fungus?...

Well, I just couldn’t accept that my wife was in the same situation.

And seeing her unconscious, pinned down to the hospital bed…

My strong, lively Anna, looking so helpless…

The thought of losing her tore me apart.

Still, to be honest, even while I was feeling like I had hit rock bottom,

I never lost hope.

“I am going to fix her”, I thought to myself. “I can’t lose her, I’m going to do everything in my power to defeat the infection, whatever it takes”.

“There must be something I can do to save my love…”

And so, my mission began.

That night, after I left the hospital, I gathered all my medical books, opened my tablet…

And began navigating the internet, joining Medicare websites, chat groups, asking people about their experiences…

And even when I found nothing new, I kept on digging...

First, I discovered some important data on fungi.


In the soil and the air, in lakes, rivers, and seas, within plants and animals - and, in humans too…

In food and clothing, in hospitals and long-term care facilities via surfaces or medical appliances…

In fact, scientists estimate around 3 million fungi species live on the planet

And of these, only about 120,000 have been studied.

I also found out that



On one hand, the good fungi are essential to some industrial processes, like the making of bread and other foods, such as wine, beer and certain cheeses.

Some of the good fungi have been used even as a source of antibiotics. (E.g. Penicillin)

On the other hand, over 8,000 fungi species are known to harm crops…

And at least 300 fungi species are known to cause serious diseases to humans...

Some of them even being highly poisonous.

Toenail fungus, specifically, is a fungal infection caused by microscopic fungi in your body - like dermatophytes, Candida and other yeasts and molds.

According to N.I.H, almost 50 million people struggle with athlete’s foot in the U.S.

And nearly 1 billion people in the world are estimated to have skin, nail, hair and mucosal fungal infections.

And, while most fungi species are harmless to humans...

More than 150 million people in the world suffer from serious fungal diseases, which can be f a t a l.

In fact, according to professor Neil Gow, President of the Microbiology Society, some fungi can actually be deadly, killing 1.5 million people around the world each year.

This info shook me up…

I had no idea the situation was so severe…

So I kept on digging and I discovered the 3 biggest fungal infection LIES advertised by doctors and “fungi experts” around the world…

… and the real reason why every prescription drug or topical product you use may work for a bit, but will always fail…

LIE #1

It is difficult to contact a fungal infection and you can get it ONLY from the obvious places.

Well, yeah, you can come into contact with fungi at the nail salon or at the gym, from other people’s nail clippers or from infected sheets, towels and socks.


And their tiny spores spread through the air or by touch.

So, most of us breathe fungi spores every day…

Even from the air conditioner…

LIE #2

You are not in danger if there are no visible signs

of fungal infection.

Again, another Lie.

As I found out at the cost of my wife’s health…

The symptoms of a fungal infection are not always visible or they may be similar to a common cold…

Actually, in a study, the CDC discovered that 1,056 patients had been "colonized" with the fungus, but did not show any symptoms.

So without your knowing, thousands of species of microscopic fungus, dermatitis and yeasts could easily colonize your body.

And until they establish a secure position to act against you, these fungi behave like “sleepers” ...

Waiting for the right time to attack.

LIE #3

Fungal infections can be removed safely and for good with antibiotics and antifungal prescription drugs.

Now, that’s the biggest lie of them all!

Anna’s health got worse exactly after following all these antifungal treatments…

And now they were pouring more antifungals and antibiotics into her…

So I needed to learn all that I could about them…

And I discovered a 2019 report from The U.S. Centers for Disease and Prevention about a 'Serious global health threat'.

It mentioned more than 587 cases of deadly fungi, from infections with Candida Auris, a fungus resistant to some or all antifungal medicines.

Also, reports confirmed another drug-resistant fungus in the U.S., Aspergillus Fumigatus, which causes severe drug-resistant infections.

In fact, due to the recent increase in the use of immunosuppressants to treat human illnesses, Aspergillus Fumigatus may be responsible for over 600,000 deaths annually.

CDC confirmed: for infected patients with “high-risk conditions”, the mortality rate varies from 25% to 90%.

So it’s much worse than it appeared to be!

And they know about it but they can’t treat it.

What was inexplicable to me was:

How did fungi become drug-resistant?

Well, I found out that recently, farmers have grown increasingly reliant on a class of fertilizers - fungicides, meant to kill crop fungi…

They are “triazoles” - the same chemicals used in hospitals and in meds to fight fungal pathogens in humans...

So, in time, fungi like A. fumigatus, develop resistance to fungicides in farm fields.

Then, the fungi spores are carried by wind across long distances, even to areas without agricultural fungicide usage…

And we just breathe them in or contact them by touch.

In the same way, antibiotics have been used for decades by large-scale livestock producers to make animals grow faster...

In the farm animal-bodies, fungi adapted to antibiotics and developed resistance...

Thus, contributing to the rise of deadly antibiotic-resistant fungi.


The prescription antibiotics and antifungals are exactly the ones that destroy your health…

Because these drugs can’t really target the fungi in your body, and they come with limited antifungal efficacy...

Instead, they create general havoc, weakening your tissues, blood and organs, and have very dangerous side effects...

And open the way for the infection to freely spread and take over your body completely, to utter annihilation...

What a SHAME Big Pharma keeps quiet about it!

And doctors still have to prescribe those drugs

Because they are the source of billions of dollars in profit each year, with no regard for the human costs!


if you have already been through some horrible treatments or maybe you felt bad “out of the blue” …

Remember, it’s not your fault.

And keep in mind that all the drugs they put out there, with chemicals in them and God knows what else…

May solve a symptom at first, but will harm you, sooner or later, in ways you never imagined…

So, anyway,

I realized the solution to remove Anna’s fungal infection is not prescription drugs!

I had to find it elsewhere…

And then, my real digging began…

I read through all the books I could find; I asked all my colleagues and fellow professionals…

I even went online in search of support groups…

Desperate at the thought that Anna is there, lying on the hospital bed, injected with dangerous drugs….

Hoping that there’s something else out there…

Some other approach that could save her...

Safer, less harmful, more effective.

For days, weeks even, I waded through books, journals, links…

I visited other doctors, alternative therapists, I asked friends of friends...

And even went to a sketchy psychic or guru…

But I found nothing new.

I was exhausted and Anna was still in the hospital…

And I had the feeling that I was hearing the same things over and over again…

Feeling like I was running around in circles...

Until one day, a mission I got from my company changed our lives forever.

I’d been asked to be a part of a relief program in Kanyabayonga, Africa,

at the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo…

That had been the scene of repeated armed clashes, which forced thousands of families to flee their homes.

So, parents and children were seeking refuge after their villages were being attacked by armed men…

And they were in desperate need for help.

All kinds of support were needed: medical, physical therapy, paramedicine, radiology, dentistry…

Food and water supplies, clothes, homes…

So, among others, they needed qualified EMTs on the paramedic teams.

And with my skills, I was one of the chosen few.

“Really bad timing!” I thought…

“How can I even think of saving others when I can’t save my own wife…”

And even if Anna was in such a frail state, I still had to go.

So I set off for Kanyabayonga, Africa, leaving our daughter in charge of Anna’s safety.

And it turned out that leaving her for a bit was a blessing in disguise, because the people I would meet there would provide the most bizarre and unexpected salvation.

I thought I was going there to save others, but the one who was saved was me.

So, after an excruciating 24 hours flight and more hours on the road, I finally arrived there and met the other crews.

At first, I felt like we had landed on a different planet…

Suddenly, just having a roof over our heads and nobody shooting at us seemed an enormous privilege.

And working together to help these refugees build a new life and restore their health gave us a new sense of humility and gratitude.

Soon though, after overcoming this shock, I must confess that the most surprising of all was the Japanese relief team.

We all used to have our breakfast and dinner together, exchanging ideas and impressions, combining solutions and methods.

And I couldn’t stop wondering about the youthful look and exceptional health that the people in the Japanese team were displaying…

Despite the fact some of them were well over 50…

Very young skin, no rashes or irritations, healthy nails and hair, extremely supple figures and impressive energy.

I also noticed that every morning before breakfast, they were taking a teaspoon of …something from a jar.

It looked like jam, but more brownish…

Over dinners, I got to talk more with one of them.

Dr. Hiro Ito was a doctor from a small village in Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan, called Yuzurihara.

We enjoyed sharing our thoughts and we would end up finishing the dinner together.

One night, as we were talking, I told him about my astonishment regarding his team’s exceptional looks and perfect health.

“How do you do it?” I asked him, “to obtain this perfect health? And what are you eating from that jar?”

I also told him about my wife’s long-time fungal infection and the severe state she was in…

“I have searched everywhere”, I said, “and I feel there’s nowhere else to turn.”

At that moment, Dr. Hiro’s eyes opened up and I felt he was seeing me for the first time.

I could suddenly feel the vast warmth of his being and his voice came over me like a ray of light:

“We really have to talk, my friend”, Dr. Hiro said.

“You see, there are no wrong turns in life, you are exactly where you’re meant to be.”

Tonight, you’ll find what you were searching for.”

And that night, after dinner, he brought that jar with brownish stuff along. He set me aside and began unveiling to me the secrets that would make for mine and Anna’s salvation!

“Listen, I come from The Village of Long Life”, Dr. Hiro said with an aura of mystery around him.

“In my village, all people in their 80’s or 90’s glow with health.

We all look 20 to 30 years younger because we feel 20 to 30 years younger

And because our bodies’ and minds’ health is 20 to 30 years younger than our biological age.

Because in Japan, especially in villages, we consume specific natural ingredients and products every single day, religiously.

For centuries, each family has grown wild rare herbs, roots and fruits and developed their own in-house recipes

To ensure the strength and youth of our skin, bones and organs…

To secure a good blood flow and accelerated metabolism…

To fortify our immunity, ensuring protection against viruses, bacteria and fungi…

So diseases can’t touch us.

And that is why we look much younger, we have much better health and we live much longer.”

“Longevity is the word of order on our island”, Dr. Hiro said with simplicity.

“The recipe I’m using has been in my family for generations, and contains the solution you are searching for to remove fungus.

You see,

After World War II, many of the fathers and grandfathers who returned from the war came home with all kinds of fungal infections and diseases…

Because they spent years on the front, deprived of our natural foods, without natural vitamins and minerals…

without any hygiene whatsoever…

wearing the same tight boots, in which their feet would rot and catch molds.

And in the years spent on the front, they became weak and the bacteria, viruses and fungi invaded them.

So, my grandmother devised a complete remedy that would annihilate the fungal infection, too.

As I came to Africa on our first relief mission, I found the refugees suffering from the same fungal infections as my grandfather did…

And that’s how I remembered about my grandma’s ancient antifungal recipe…

First, I remembered how she always read traditional Japanese medicine papers…

And then I remembered about this ancient piece of paper she never let out of her sight…

She would read it while harvesting the ingredients, storing them, each in different conditions…

For some of them, she would travel to the harbor and wait for certain merchants to trade for them

And then, following the instructions on that piece of paper, she would spend days portioning the ingredients and adding them in a specific order.

And all the men and women from our region that were suffering from fungal infection came to our house to procure my grandma’s magical remedy...

Because this ancient Japanese antifungal recipe works wonders.

As I went on to become a doctor, my grandma left me the ancient recipe in great secrecy while on her deathbed.

She told me I must hold on to it and ensure it will remain pure and unaltered, so I can continue the sacred mission of being a natural healer.

I didn’t take it seriously at first, given the fact that I was a real doctor now, healing people through science…

But I soon came to realize where science has failed to provide an answer…

So I decided to use my science knowledge for understanding and respecting the healing principles of Nature.

I found my family recipe on a piece of paper in a trunk and I began preparing it meticulously…

And let me tell you, it took me a long time until I managed to get it right...

And finally, I did!

I know it by heart now, even in my sleep….

So, I brought it here with me to help treat some of the sufferers here.

And also, to use it for the health of my team, especially in a possibly disease-infested environment.”

Hearing what Dr. Hiro was saying, my face lit up.

I must confess, I was still a bit reluctant…

After all, my wife had tried every prescription drug I could find for the fungal infection…

And doctors with modern technology and modern medicine couldn’t successfully treat it …

How could I believe that some “voodoo” natural medicine would nail it?...

But after so long, there was light in my eyes again and I was waiting to hear it all.

Dr. Hiro read my mind for sure, because he brought science and facts into our conversation:

“Now, as a doctor I can tell you that fungi are hard to kill”, he continued…

And most times conventional medicine can’t successfully get rid of your fungal infection.

“Why do you think that is?” he asked me…

As I was quiet, Dr. Hiro revealed to me the 5 key facts to understanding what fungi truly are, how they function, and how you can defeat them.


Fungi cells are very similar to human cells.

“Listen”, Dr. Hiro said, “science thinks of fungi as viruses or parasitic bacteria…

Which have a distinct molecular structure and are easier to identify in the human body…

While fungi – yeasts and molds – are very different from viruses and bacteria…

Because fungi are eukaryotes and far more related to human cells than bacteria or viruses are.

Meaning that, because they are so similar to human cells on a molecular level, fungi can avoid being observed or detected…

And that is why fungi are almost impossible to target without damaging or killing human cells in the process.

Interesting, right?

And, what’s more…


Fungi adapt to their host-environment and change their structure.

In yeast cells, for example, their dynamic structure can rapidly modify its morphology – its form and function…

To resemble the structure of the host-cells and to get back to being unidentified.

So, fungi are constantly evolving, permanently adapting to their host-environment…

Becoming immune to drugs meant to destroy them.



Fungi have complex defensive mechanisms

First of all, fungi are the only organisms that combine skeleton-shell hard molecules in their strong cell walls.

Fungi have internal membrane-bound structures that isolate and protect their nuclei...

And also compartment the fungi cell into specialized “rooms” called vacuoles, that perform a particular function:

Store amino acids and nutrients taken from their host - the “storeroom” ...

Isolate threatening substances and waste products – the “trash can” …

Remove unnecessary or dysfunctional components from the cell – the “bathroom” …

…And many other functions required to keep fungi-cells growing and multiplying.

Plus, the external cell wall of fungi is also made from “intelligent” biomembranes…

That act as a selectively permeable barrier…

And this means that fungi CHOOSE what substances they let inside their cell, and what substances they stop.

So, fungi are truly shielded from any drug.

In fact,

NO vaccines have been licensed for human use to prevent or reduce fungal infections!

While mortality rates associated with invasive fungal infections are increasing.


But what makes fungi so dangerous? you may wonder…

Well, the threat of being infested with fungi comes from the fact that….

Not only that fungi take in nutrients from their host and eject waste products into the host’s body…

But also…


Fungi poison and decompose their host, while feeding on it.

Because fungi also secrete digestive enzymes into their host to acquire their food.

These digestive enzymes break down organic matter in your body into small units…

Then, fungi select and absorb the nutrients and other substances they need as sources of energy and carbon…

Leaving the environment around them lifeless and full of toxins.

In fact, fungi are the principal decomposers in ecological systems.

Fungi even have a branched structure that can weave through a permeable surface to penetrate it…

So, they either poison and dissolve, or penetrate the host cells to get nutrients…

In fact, Aspergillus Fumigatus, one of the drug-resistant fungi that we breathe every day, can produce genotoxic mycotoxins...

which are chemical agents that damage the genetic information within a cell, causing mutations, which may even lead to autoimmune diseases.

Also, these cell mutations are transferable to children through genes, so children can develop those diseases - even if their parents don’t…

Or its brother, Aspergillus Flavus, a fungus found in cereal grains, legumes, and tree nuts, which oxidizes host cells, causing aspergillosis in people with compromised immune systems...

Now, keep in mind that aspergillosis is not one disease, but a wide variety of diseases caused by fungal infection…

...from liver failure, hepatitis, immunosuppression, hepatocellular carcinoma, and neutropenia to respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, fungal sinusitis, otomycosis (ear infection), keratitis (eye infection), and onychomycosis (nail infection).”


As Dr. Hiro was taking a breath, my mind was getting clearer and I could finally understand!

When Anna began taking the antifungals and other prescription drugs, her body was already damaged and poisoned by fungi.

Furthermore, scientists are only just beginning to understand the fungi’s agility, changing their form to hide from man-made chemicals...

So, the drugs were firing blindly in Anna’s body…

Damaging her bloodstream, disrupting delicate body functions and adding to the poison.

Now stay with me here, because this is where it gets VERY interesting.

Dr. Hiro continued with his last fact about fungi, which holds the key to defeating them safely and for good.

Fact #5

“Fungi live in colonies and multiply fast!” he said.

“And here, my grandmother’s ancient Japanese medicinal recipe found the crack to get in.

You see, fungi reproduce, sexually, asexually or both, depending on the environmental conditions.

Sometimes, fungi multiply by fission - cell division, they produce spores and spread.

Other times, fungi multiply by budding - growing a mass of branches that contain entire colonies of fungi cells.

This growing process leads to the development of a long, interconnected network of fungi tubular-branches, called hyphae.

And new fungi emerge by branching – they expand by growing on their tips, like new bulbs on a tree…

But the exciting thing is that fungi branches can sense reproductive units from some distance, and grow towards them

And then, fungi hyphae fuse when they come into contact with other fungi hyphae!

It’s a process called hyphal fusion or anastomosis.

So, the only thing fungi are non-defensive about, but even merge with and integrate within their cells, are OTHER FUNGI!

Not antifungals.

Not antibiotics.

But other fungi.

And guess what! My grandma's ancient recipe includes these 3 secret-Japanese-shrooms that are the single solution to safely remove fungus for good.”

I looked at Dr. Hiro in confusion…

I mean, mushrooms are fungi… What good would that do: to give fungi to fungi?

As he had just told me, fungi would merge and grow even larger, expanding the fungal infection…

Then Dr. Hiro revealed to me the biggest and first essential truth about hacking fungi, since the beginning of my journey!

“Yes, it’s true.

But here’s the trick:

It has to do with the first 3 #fungal annihilators, Shiitake, Reishi and Maitake Japanese mushrooms...

Because when these 3 mushrooms get inside your body, fungi sense their presence and extend their branches towards them…

And they fuse with the mushrooms, integrating them in their “body”, inside the fungal network.

And that is the only way in!

But, once inside, surprise SURPRISE!

Instead of getting along and reproducing, like a big happy family…

These 3 secret Japanese Mushrooms begin eating the fungi from inside out!

Because Shiitake, Reishi and Maitake mushrooms are unique mushrooms that feed only on “their own kind”!

Bizarre, right? Fungi that eat fungi!

You could say they are “cannibalistic” shrooms.

In fact, a study conducted in 2008 by the Celal Bayar University in Turkey proves these 3 Japanese mushrooms in particular are natural fungal-killers.

And, although their phenomenal antifungal healing potential has been long known to Japanese traditional medicine, is quite unknown to the rest of the world...

True, with fungi being so difficult to study because of their volatile nature, it's still a mystery how these shrooms eat the fungal infection only…

And what’s even more peculiar is that if you consume these mushrooms separately, they don’t seem to work…

But together, Shiitake, Maitake and Reishi shrooms become a fungal-killing machine…

And their combined action is very smart and powerful!

Because, somehow these mushrooms eat fungi ONLY, and nothing else from the human host!

And even better, these three musketeers of mushrooms are one of the healthiest natural resources in the world for humans, loaded with nutritional benefits...

So, they consume the fungal network from inside out, and then they repair the damage fungi have done, leaving the body healthier than how they found it.

It’s almost like poetic justice.

Also, they actually help clear up the skin, prevent eczema and stop dermatitis in its tracks…

While dramatically reducing inflammation in your internal organs! (which chances are, you are suffering from if you’ve had fungus for more than 6 weeks).

Have you paid attention to our refugees here?... Have you noticed that their skin and nails are perfectly clear?

Have you noticed that, physically, they are fine now?”

“But, wait.”

Dr. Hiro said, as I was looking at him like a cat that caught the mouse.

“This is not a mushroom recipe, my friend.”

and we both started to laugh...

“You look like you’re ready to go and cook your wife a bowl of Japanese mushrooms and rice for her fungus...

But it’s not only about these potent Japanese mushrooms alone…

My grandma’s ancient recipe is highly effective because it is a unique formula that uses a precise combination of 17 amazing ingredients, strategically chosen, in a process of pure alchemy…

Because it’s also about how they work together when combined in a specific order and in precise quantities and conditions…

So that all of these 17 natural ingredients trigger and amplify one another’s antifungal properties, interact with each other and optimize their action,

Resulting in a greater, more powerful active-antifungal elixir.

And, through their combined powers, they become this complete health formula.

So, the Japanese mushrooms-trio is just the first step in the all-out war this natural remedy wages on your fungal infection.

Once the fungus-annihilation phase begins, it’s time for the “spec ops” team to hit this microscopic terrorist.

Beta-glucan is a safe, all-natural fiber molecule that “trains” your immune system to be smarter against fungal, bacterial and viral infections.

Its effects are so powerful that for the last 30 years it has been used in Japan as an immunoadjuvant therapy for autoimmune diseases.

Also, Beta-glucan is an excellent source of protein and vitamins, especially most B-complex vitamins, other minerals and cofactors required for youth.

So, it supports the health of your skin, heart, digestion, a low LDL cholesterol, strong immunity, and it boosts cell rejuvenation and growth!

Then, Arabinogalactan (ARA-6) joins in, a prebiotic that enhances the immune system through macrophage and natural killer cell activation.

By stimulating these two important immune system components, ARA-6 is able to directly affect the body’s ability to target outside invaders like fungus, bacteria and viruses.

To trigger and magnify further the antifungal powers of this secret Japanese recipe, the garlic extract here goes after any remaining colonies that think they can escape the purge.

Actually, garlic has been known for centuries for its very powerful anti-parasitic action, plus it supports a healthy heart, digestive health, a strong immunity and a youthful body.

In order to supercharge this antifungal process, the formula adds a little-known blend of “The Empress of Health” and “The Emperor of Japanese green teas”: Matcha and Gyokuro.

This duo-extract, which comes only from the purest-sourced fields of Japan is a powerhouse combo that has 137 times more antioxidants than your run-of-the-mill green teas!

Once it reaches your bloodstream, this duo of superhero blood-cleansers, blasts the fungal infection and flushes it out of your entire body.

In fact, one study found that these 2-specific green-tea extracts completely inhibit the contaminants found in nail fungus…

Which means that even if you come into contact with fungi, these powerful nutrients prevent it from latching onto your internal organs, nails and skin!

Three more carefully selected ingredients join the fight to ensure a total fungus wipeout: burdock root, graviola leaves and turmeric.

Burdock root is a traditional Asian medical herb that helps the fighting team to eliminate fungi, purifying the blood, the digestive tracts and urinary tract.

In fact, a study published in 2017 proves that Burdock Root removes fungal infections better than commercially available antifungals.

Plus, burdock contains multiple types of powerful antioxidants, so it fortifies your immunity, rejuvenates the skin and even works as an aphrodisiac.

And then, there’s Graviola, a rare herb that enhances the purification process, clearing the fungal infection out of your blood.

It is shown to have very powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antiparasitic qualities.

In fact, the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine shows that the Graviola leaf is highly rich in a complete range of rare antioxidants and also numerous minerals, vitamins, amino-acids, lactones, lipids.

So, graviola helps with blood pressure and blood sugar, supports a healthy brain and good mood, and fortifies your immunity!

And Turmeric further stimulates and protects your liver, enhancing its ability to flush all fungal-trails out of your body.

Turmeric spices contain around 3% curcumin, but the turmeric extract used in this recipe contains up to 95% curcumin…

And with it added to the mix, you boost the health of the brain, improving thinking, concentration, memory…

Plus, you rejuvenate your skin and bones

And you get a general tonic, skyrocketing your energy levels and improving your mood.

So, this fungal eradication process takes care of the fungal overgrowth both internally and externally, because it fires up your body’s innate ability to neutralize deadly infections.


But the fight isn’t over yet…”, continued Dr. Hiro.

“Now that you flushed out the fungi from your body, you still need to help the cells heal and fortify

So other parasites have no power.

Remember, the fungal infection spreads quickly and damages the body when your immunity is broken…

So, the fungi are already immune to the prescription drugs, but they are even more powerful and they spread even faster because the body has no defense…

Because all the inefficient antifungals and antibiotics break your immunity, just like they did with your wife’s…

Plus, after 40, your immune system is getting tired and weak. Especially in this polluted world…

With toxins in the air you breathe, the water you drink and the food that you eat.

Add stress and insufficient sleep to the toxic substances and drugs you ingest… And you get cells that are under constant attack.

Your immune system breaks down and can’t protect you anymore from the outside and inside predators.

And that’s when the fungal infection sets in.

You see, people over 40 are affected by fungal infections far worse than in younger people…

Also, fungal infections hurt men worse than women...

And can be fatal to immune-compromised people, those with previous health conditions, and those who are under certain treatments.

So, you need a complete antifungal solution, with vitamins and antioxidants, to revitalize your body and fortify your immunity.

Now, in the unpolluted Japanese villages, we get our vitamin intake from the herbs, fruits and vegetables we eat…

But for people in countries with toxic fertilizers, polluted water and air, or with no food at all…

Well, you can imagine that their diet is lacking in several regards…

This is why the formula comes with three ingredients that shield your lungs from further harm: pomegranate seeds, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

They create a “laser net” that fries any type of fungal or bacteria spores that come into contact with it.

Now, pomegranate is mentioned in many ancient scrolls and medical books, as Egyptians used it to treat parasites, infections and to expel tapeworms and all kinds of parasites.

Because the pomegranate seeds are highly rich in antioxidants, potassium and vitamin C - 48 % of the ideal daily vitamin C intake!

You’ll find that Pomegranate is mentioned in the Bible as the fruit that St. Mary fed baby Jesus and even as the true original fruit that Eve ate in The Garden of Eden.

These seeds are very rich in dietary fiber and micronutrients, so together with Vitamin C and E, you support your brain, heart, bones and muscle functions, rejuvenate skin and help wound healing.

And while those three protect your lungs, panax ginseng, rhubarb and pine bark extracts form a preemptive-strike force that scours every nook and cranny of your body for fungal, bacterial or viral intruders and destroys them on the spot.

Panax Ginseng is a powerful antifungal and antiviral, proven to increase blood flow, help in erectile dysfunction, and increase brain function.

This well-established heal-all remedy that Asian people have been using for ages is packed with powerful antioxidants, and gives you a sense of general well-being and happiness.

Rhubarb roots contain tannins and bitters, which help kill fungi cells on the spot. Also, they contain anthraquinones, which have a purgative effect, helping to cleanse the colon.

This key herb used in ancient Asian medicine detoxifies your body and helps treat indigestion, injuries, menstrual disorders, conjunctivitis, and supports weight loss.

And pine bark supports the fungal-fighting squad by highly increasing the absorption and the effectiveness of Vitamin C!

Also, it helps with blood pressure and eases inflammation and osteoarthritis.

Plus, it is highly rich in potent antioxidants, helping the “team” rebuild and fortify your strong cell walls after the fungal-wreckage.

Now, in order to eliminate and repair the damage done to your body by the infection and by the side effect- filled drugs pharmaceutical companies have scammed you into buying,

this unique formula comes with a superstar ingredient: Quercetin

Revered as one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world, Quercetin might as well be worth its weight in gold. It has shown a unique ability to correct cell corruption and protect healthy cells from future damage.

Plus, it has been reported to have estrogenic activities, balancing the natural hormone levels in your body.

And when paired together with the sheep sorrel, grape seeds and olive leaves extracts found in this Japanese secret formula, it sends your cell regeneration into overdrive, speeding up the recovery and repair process of your nails, skin and internal organs.

Sheep Sorrel leaves help you maintain healthy skin, vision, strong immunity, cell growth and reproductive health.

Used in Asian traditional medicine for ages, it is a nutritional powerhouse, providing significant amounts of micronutrients, including vitamin A!

PLUS, this herb amplifies 10 times the action of the other ingredients and boosts vitamin C!

Olive Leaves inhibit microorganism growth, vigorously helping the fight against fungi and herpes. It also protects your digestive system, enhances your brain activity, and reduces inflammation.

It contains powerful antioxidants that boost your immunity, support the health of your heart, lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and support natural weight loss.

The grape seed extract supports the fungal-destruction process through its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and also its unique antioxidants.

In the lab, grape seed extract has been found to inhibit 43 strains of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria! …

Plus, it detoxifies your liver, kidney and blood, rejuvenates your skin, slows down the aging process and supports a healthy heart and brain!

So, the combined powers of these amazing ingredients in my secret Japanese recipe amplifies by 10 times the fungal-destruction power!

And this chain reaction at a cellular level promotes longevity, increases your energy and vitality levels…

Making this recipe a truly unique, atomic fungal annihilator!

And I am always searching for the purest sources of these ingredients in my medical travels…”

In the end, Dr. Hiro’s recipe included 17 natural ingredients, clinically proven to defeat any drug-resistant fungal infection, flush it out of the body, detoxify and heal damaged tissues

In turn, rejuvenating and fortifying the body, and shielding it from age decay and parasites.

While helping cleanse the blood, the kidney and liver, and supporting a healthy heart, brain, skin, and joints

And even rejuvenating the reproductive system and boosting energy levels!

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Still, with my previous medical training and with all the research done to help Anna heal, I knew everything I had heard was correct.

As Dr. Hiro paused, I felt like I wanted to cry… tears of joy and happiness!

You see, for the first time in years, I felt HOPE! It was clear to me that I could actually help my wife remove her fungal infection and save her life!

It all made sense now.

I finally found what we were searching for - the help we needed to help Anna get her health and life back!


My prayers had been answered.

Here, some completely natural ingredients, scientifically proven to target the root cause of the fungal infection and to annihilate it.

Yet not a single doctor had told my wife about them.

All they wanted to do was keep selling her expensive antifungals or surgical interventions, topical treatments and medications.

I was so determined not only to help Anna heal, but also to speak up about this revolting health-hazard.

And Dr. Hiro was so kind as to offer me a jar of his secret Japanese ancient recipe to take back to America – it was all he had to give away.

Anna was very skeptical at first…

But I begged my wife to trust me. It was the first time I was sure that I had the right solution.

Plus, we had no other option left…

Every morning and every evening she would take half a teaspoon of this mix – just as Dr. Hiro recommended.

Her disfigured face would contort – what was in that jar was bitter, sour, and bad tasting…

But I encouraged Anna to keep taking it…

And on the 7th day of the third week, a miracle happened!

As I was having my coffee in the kitchen, anxiously waiting for my wife to appear on the top of the stairs…

Like every day, for a while now…

Skinny, weak, with a frail skin and tormented eyes, trying to cover up her liver and abdomen pain and the persistent headache…

This time, I dropped my cup when I saw her coming!

When she appeared, it was as if a goddess had descended from heaven.

Anna’s face was clear and bright, with glowing skin and sparkles in her eyes.

She was so perfect!

It was like somebody had carved her out of stone.

And when she smiled at me, lighting up the room, I simply burst into tears.

She knew it too - it was working!

Dr. Hiro’s Japanese recipe was working.

I couldn’t believe my eyes… I was just looking at her, afraid to touch her so she wouldn’t shatter and disappear, like a spell…

But, believe me, it was all real!

She was there, in flesh and bone, feeling and looking good for the first time in months…

And each day that followed, she just felt better and better.

Anna’s nails were starting to clear…

She had no more headaches…

Her good mood and contagious joy started to come back…

She could move again with ease, and even began inviting me to take walks with her in the fresh air…

Shorter at first, and longer after…

One foot in front of the other.

The smell was still not nice…

But she was happy!

It was plain to see that it’s a start and the toxic fungal infection showed signs of retreat.

The days were passing by and I was still afraid to ask her anything.

One day, I noticed all the prescription drugs she came home with from the hospital in the garbage can...

What a joy!

But I still said nothing…

After all, Dr. Hiro had told me that the healing process is unique for each and every individual…

“Still, you must have faith in the ingredients, my friend. They are truly amazing!”

And it was good.

But the best was yet to come.

Day 37 was a sunny Sunday morning that I’ll remember forever.

I woke up to the smell of coffee…

Toast, bacon and eggs…

It was the smell of pure bliss!

I can’t even begin to tell you what that meant for me...

“So, she was feeling that good”, I thought to myself...

Because, in our best of times, she loved to spoil me with breakfast in bed on Sundays…

I had never asked her to do anything like this, but it brought her joy… It was our Sunday-morning ritual…

As I opened my eyes, Anna was there, by the bed, with the little tray on her arms…

But what was even more amazing was that, beyond my wildest expectations…

Anna was wearing her silk robe slightly opened…

And slightly fallen on one side…

Discreetly uncovering one shoulder and an idea of what’s underneath…

She was wearing no make-up and not much else, to be honest…

I got “excited” instantly.

I don’t have to tell you what happened next…

I can only tell you that her body was completely recovered!

Imagine, no trace of fungus anywhere!

Not on her nails, not on her skin, not on her face… Not on any part of her body…

On the contrary, her nails had a natural healthy-pink shade, and her hair was shinier and fuller than before…

Anna’s skin was clean and smooth like a piece of marble…

And even though she stayed slimmer, her body felt strong and agile, and it smelled like spring…

Her joints were healthy and free from pain.

You couldn’t believe how she was bursting with youthful energy again!

As if she had been dead, but now was resurrected.

We let it all sink in…

And it felt like we were newborns and it was our first second on Earth, hungry devouring the air, smelling and seeing colors for the first time.

That had also been our Sunday-morning ritual.

And now it was back.

Oh, happy day! God is great!

Anna’s health was back, better than ever.

And what’s more, she was finally feeling good about herself again…

No more shame about her body!

She was feeling sexy enough to expose her body and to wear her favorite clothes again…

Anna was back to her young, confident self!

And as we lay there, embraced, happy like we hadn’t been for such a long time, a wide profound joy etched itself on my face.

Come to think of it now, it was the most glorious moment of my life.

And then, when we received my wife’s updated blood tests, the fungus that had been infecting my wife's blood was almost entirely gone...

But our batch of Dr. Hiro’s antifungal recipe was almost over.

And we needed more.

And also, we knew in our hearts that this solution couldn’t remain unknown to our friends and other fungus sufferers in the U.S.

After all the recent fungal-related deaths in the States, we had to get it out there.

Then, Anna came with this daring idea:

“Listen, why don’t we convince Dr. Hiro to join forces with us and make more of this magical formula, and help us give it to people here, too.

We have so many friends that secretly suffer from embarrassing nail fungus…

And they don’t even know how dangerous it can get…

We owe it to them and to God to pass this spectacular remedy further.

We know Dr. Hiro’s ancient formula works, and he’s been treating people with it for so long…

And only he knows the exact way of harvesting, storing and mixing these ingredients together...

Plus, there’s no way we can find these pure ingredients here or online…

The ones from Japan are efficient because they are so pure and wild, grown in that specific environment…

And the ones he gathers from Asia and the Orient in his medical travels are so unique…”

And, boom! My Anna was truly back!

I looked at her, and she was perfectly lucid.

For sure she had thought that over a thousand times in her mind before saying out loud.

And, as difficult and challenging as I imagined this to be, my wife was right.

It had to be done.

So I got in touch with Dr. Hiro and told him about it

I reasoned that if I bought the essential Japanese antifungal mushrooms and the other natural antifungals, detoxifiers and natural fortifiers from him, and contacted a large, modern, and prestigious manufacturing facility in the USA…

That would ensure that quality would be the top priority. Under his strict instructions, we could create this amazing ancient Japanese formula here, in tiny easy-to-swallow capsules, as Anna suggested…

And also, I could take Dr. Hiro’s ancient recipe and improve it with modern research and technology, adding more vitamins and antioxidants we could find here…

Making it even more effective and powerful...

Giving other people a real chance to safely prevail over their fungal infection and fortify their body, too!

Dr. Hiro was a bit reluctant – he knew this would require an extended effort from his part in harvesting more of the ingredients…

But, after a great deal of persistence from our part, he finally agreed!

After all, it is his destiny and his sacred mission on this earth – to help and heal others.

However, Dr. Hiro agreed to help us make this elixir available to more people under 3 conditions. It would have to:

⦁ have the best natural ingredients;

⦁ have a better formula, so it would continue his family's legacy;

⦁ guarantee a strict quality control, both in Japan and in the States.

“Great news!”, we thought.

And, with that being said, to work we went.

Of course, even with my medical training, I still needed a partner here licensed in biochemistry, so we could correctly produce Dr. Hiro's recipe.

As luck or providence had it, Anna had an old friend from college, Helen Smith, that had been a biochemist for more than 25 years, and she was very interested in working with us on this revolutionary formula.

As fungal infections are more common than I would’ve imagined, Helen assured Anna that she has relatives and friends that would kill for such an amazing fungal solution.

“We all know so many people that suffer from all kinds of fungi, yeasts and molds… Most of them don’t even know that Candida is a fungus and they silently carry it in the body…

The majority of fungi associated with life-threatening infections are inhaled…

You see, no drug knows how to target fungi correctly, but these disrupting chemicals damage the body so much… and so many people die each year from fungal infections, because their broken immunity just gives up…

And then, there are those people where it seems that nothing can touch them…

They are not better than you and me; they just developed a strong immunity.”

“When the immunity is broken, the human body has lost the capability to still synthesize its own antifungal defenders and defeat this threat…”

“So, the only way to do this is with the incredible plants you’ve discoveredM”.

And Helen got to it right away.

She completed the research on the ingredients herself, plus she added some “local” amazing antioxidants and nutrients that Dr. Hiro suggested

To boost the power of the recipe even further.

So you benefit not only from the natural antifungals: shiitake, reishi and maitake mushrooms, matcha and gyokuro, graviola, garlic, grape seeds, pomegranate, beta-glucan, burdock, rhubarb, panax ginseng, turmeric, sheep sorrel...

And 7 more as I’ve already mentioned…

But also, from the newly-discovered fortifying ingredients like cat’s claw, selenium, raspberry and Larix Larcinia extract.

Dr. Hiro chose cat’s claw to join the antifungal squad in his ancient Japanese recipe because in this combination, it creates a chemical defense against fungi and other predators.

Cat’s claw is a tropical vine clinging to 100-foot trees (and taller), native to South and Central America. Its bark contains an impressive blend of chemicals, such as glycosides - that bind to poisonous molecules as part of their elimination from the body.

Plus, a 1989 study found that its roots contain alkaloid oxidants that boost the immune system.

Then, Larix Larcinia was added as the best local source of arabinogalactan (ARA-6), the prebiotic that targets the invaders like fungi, and enhances your immune system through natural killer cell activation.

Larix Larcinia is a strong antiviral and antibacterial herb from North America that helps with autoimmune diseases.

Plus, it supports a healthy vision, hearing and digestion, lowers cholesterol, reduces inflammation and boosts the immune system.

Then, Dr. Hiro selected the bark extract from the Slippery Elm, a detoxifying ingredient that helps the squad flush all fungal-traces out of the body.

It has been used for centuries to heal herpes and syphilis and to expel tapeworms.

And research suggests that it reduces inflammation, helps to heal throat, urinary and digestive disorders and infections, and supports weight loss.

To further support the protection of your lungs, the improved Japanese formula comes with raspberry fruit, one of the richest natural sources of antioxidants in the world!

Together with the other vitamins and antioxidants in the mix, it creates a shield that blasts any type of fungal invaders that try to sneak in your body.

And to complete the healing cycle, the improved Japanese formula has SELENIUM, a very specific nutritive mineral that attaches to the amino acids and builds natural blocks of proteins in your body...

To stabilize the molecular structures of your cells and maximize the absorption and the action of the other minerals and vitamins in this powerful antifungal-fortifying cocktail.

Plus 3 secret ingredients.

That if taken alone would have little effect, but when formulated together and consumed once a day, would produce remarkable results!

In total, 25 plant extracts, vitamins and nutrients made this plant formula TWICE as powerful than the original recipe consumed by Dr. Hiro, his family and the people he’s treated!

Helen confirmed…

“This new breakthrough contains THE ONE AND ONLY way to defeat fungi and addresses the true cause of fungal infection…broken immunity and infested blood and organs.”

“When you manage to correctly target fungi, infiltrate them, annihilate them and flush them out of your system…

And when you restore the health of your cells and fortify your every cell against future attack…

Then and only then will you be free of fungus, you’ll support a healthy heart, liver, rejuvenated skin, muscles and brain, a boosted energy and immunity, and you’ll be shell-proof against any parasite that comes your way.”

I was so excited!

Nothing like this had ever been done before in the history of antifungal solutions!

And the best part was, because the proprietary blend is 100% natural and the facility where we produced our capsules is FDA registered and GMP certified, we didn’t have to wait for approval.

We just needed other willing patients to put the protocol to the test.

The first patient was, of course, Anna.

But I was anxious to see if the formula would work on any fungal-suffering person.

And, to our surprise, many others – friends and

acquaintances of ours and of Helen’s - already registered…

Now, we just had to produce it…

And it took all our savings…in fact, every penny we had to produce just a few weeks’ worth of our miracle capsules for Anna to take once a day with a glass of water.

Anna was so excited when I presented her with a glass of water and our first tiny plant-filled capsule… We were looking at it like at the Holy Grail.

And for us, it was exactly that! On Anna, the herbal capsules continued to make wonders, just like the raw substances in Dr. Hiro’s recipe had.

With Dr. Hiro’s pure ingredients and his exact indications regarding the right quantities and the right way to develop the formula...

And with Helen Smith’s obsessively-detailed work

The developed capsule was perfect!

And after only a few weeks, we had messages from 53 people who were testing it, and without exception they confirmed: “It’s truly working!”

Just like in Anna’s case, they were feeling better and the signs of fungal infection were starting to retreat from their bodies.

The following weeks, all participants were showing great improvements in their nails and skin, each of them at their own pace…

And at the 5 month-check, 95% of them had amazing blood results, with almost no traces of fungal infection left in their bodies, with bright, healthy skin and nails!

The other 5% had some little marks on their nails, but were still thrilled over the general state of their body and health benefits they’d accomplished.

It was more amazing than any of us could have ever imagined!

They supported new healthy heart, liver, brain, blood pressure, digestive and reproductive functions…

Many of them reported they have never felt so clean and energetic in their lives!

And all of them sent me excited emails, phone calls and messages to tell us: “That’s it! You’ve done it.”

So, with Dr. Hiro’s miraculous Japanese ancient recipe and with Helen’s thorough research, we have succeeded in creating the most remarkable natural, clinically proven treatment for addressing even the worst cases of fungal infection.

And after seeing the damage an innocent fungus did on my wife, we’ve made it our sacred mission to ensure that no one else ever has to endure what she did.

This innovation works, and I’m delighted to say that the revolting statistics about fungal-related morbidity are about to shift.

Keep in mind, as a result of living in a toxic environment, our cells are under constant attack by toxins and parasites.

They get to us through polluted air, water and food touched by chemicals, even through cleaning products.

Moreover, fungi are everywhere. They are found on many brands of supermarket breads… We even breathe them from our AC’s...

And fungi have developed resistance to antifungal drugs and antibiotics, which in turn harm organs and break your immunity…

People over 40 are even more vulnerable…

And what’s worse is that fungi thrive on sugar and multiply very fast, and sugar seems to be overly-present in American diets…

In the U.S., 2 million people contact resistant fungal infections every year.

And it turns out that the Center for Disease Control began issuing desperate warnings about airborne fungus as early as 2006…

According to NIH and National Institutes of Medicine, of the estimated 2 million annual life-threatening invasive infections, 90% are caused by Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus, and Pneumocystis species (Brown et al., 2012).

And 162,000 people die from these infections annually…

And this number is projected to rise…

Well, TODAY we can change this!

With Dr. Hiro’s Japanese ancient recipe, improved with Helen’s help, we’ve created a clinically proven and 100% natural formula that will grant you the power to finally find the weak spot in your fungal infection, crush it and flush it out of your body…

Rejuvenating and fortifying your body in return, getting your health and your life back.

Starting TODAY.

With no irritating creams, no dangerous medications, no debilitating side effects, no surgeries.

And we’ve called it…

Myco Nuker

The single unique 100% natural & safe proprietary blend that can target the fungi and address the true cause of your fungal infection - broken immunity.

We’ve sourced the purest, highest quality 25 natural fungal-eaters and fungal flushers, vitamins, minerals and nutrients, potent antioxidants and plant extracts

and blended the exact quantities into a small easy to swallow capsule you’ll take once a day.

Each capsule is manufactured here in the USA in our FDA approved and GMP (good manufacturing practice) certified facility under the most sterile, strict, and precise standards.

These capsules are non-GMO, safe, there are no dangerous stimulants or toxins, and they are not habit forming or tolerance forming.

Removing fungal infection with Myco Nuker™ is so easy to do...

Simply put, Myco Nuker is more effective than any antifungal on the planet.

This formula is not just the ONLY safe and effective fungal hacker in the world, but also helps you support a healthy liver, skin, lungs, heart, brain, and joints, and boosts your energy levels...

And much much more, so you’ll also be rejuvenating your cells and fortifying your body at the same time.

All you have to do is just take this 7-second Herba-Hack capsule with a glass of water.

Here you have it: Myco Nuker™, ready for you to get your clear and healthy body back, rejuvenated and strong.

You deserve it.

27,305 people have already transformed their skin, nails, brain functions, energy levels, immunity, and lives with Myco Nuker™.

Get it now and completely rejuvenate and fortify your body, too.

It is really this simple.

And if you’re wondering how you can get your hands on all this, just check Myco Nuker™ in the links below.

And yes, it’s about time you turned the odds in your favor by receiving the miraculous change Myco Nuker™ can bring into your health and life!

You are ready.

Just take a stand for yourself and ask yourself this:

How much is it worth to you to have unbreakable health?

How much is it worth to make sure no health accidents happen to you because of a hidden fungal infection?

Or to exist in a youthful, energetic, healthy body, free to enjoy your life with confidence and ease.

To get back FULL CONTROL over your health

Imagine it for a second…

Really let yourself feel it…

And then tell me…

How much would that be worth?



But can you really put a price on your youthful health?

Isn’t it priceless? Still…

There’s one fact I’ve learned time and time again, beyond any doubt…

That even when you crave for something so much and KNOW it’s a once-in-a-lifetime deal…

As a man or woman who’s spent most of your life putting others first, and GIVING to them instead of giving to yourself…

At times, it feels so hard to put yourself first and give yourself what you so desperately need…

I know it well.

So, that is why I want to meet you halfway, and I’m going to take a risk here

And although, after doing the math, Helen Smith recommended I sell a 30-day supply of Myco Nuker™ for $579…

And my own wife, Anna, suggested $397…

And even though, by now it’s already helped over 27,305 men and women who would gladly pay triple that amount after seeing the improvements with their own eyes…

This isn’t what brought me here.

Instead, I know what it feels like to witness someone you love lose their health. I’ve seen it over and over again.

I know the despair, agony and helplessness of standing by while your loved ones slowly disappear and not being able to do anything to help them.

And I want to empower you in this process.

I feel blessed to have discovered Dr. Hiro and to have developed this miraculous elixir and now I want to share it with you.

So, I’m not going to ask for $397…

Or even half of that…

Because all that got me into this is wanting to help my wife and other people heal and have better health.

So, the truth is, all I’m trying to do here is cover my costs and keep this website running for as long as I can, so as many people as possible can benefit.

So I’ll get the price as low as I possibly can, to help you make the best decision for your health.

And even though I will soon charge $99 for a bottle of Myco Nuker™ …

For most people who already made this choice, we saw that a $99 bottle replaces over $250 a month in antifungals, antibiotics and vitamins you won't be taking anymore, because you will no longer need those.

You are here, showing me your trust, and since you want the absolute best for yourself, and to live the healthiest life possible

You can get a 30-day supply of Myco Nuker™ for a simple one-time fee of just $69. Yes, just $69.

Still, before you order, as you've seen in all the research and tests today, Dr. Hiro and Helen Smith recommend you take this natural elixir, Myco Nuker, for at least 90 days to secure your rise to your desired health.

That's because if you are over 40 years old and your immunity starts to get weaker, Myco Nuker™ needs enough time to work throughout your system to get you completely clear of fungal infection

And to thoroughly restore your cells, rejuvenate and fortify your body and boost you with energy.

So, to guarantee truly transformative results, we’re going to give you the chance to order 3 or 6 bottles at once for a huge savings

And if you do that in the next 30 minutes, you’ll also get 3 special FREE bonuses - which are the icing on the cake.

FREE bonus #1 ($39)

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook

Our body does not fight alone. Vitamins and minerals are the allies that help it to work at optimum level. If our body is a machine, then the vitamins and minerals are like the essential oil that keeps it going.

What is your necessary vitamin & mineral recommended daily intake? How do they work in your body? How do you supplement them naturally?

These are all questions that you’ll find answers to.

Dr. Hiro selected only anti-aging and anti-inflammatory ingredients so that you’ll get the best of each component. You’ll also find out if you are deficient in one or more of these miraculous substances that keep our body in shape.

FREE bonus #2 ($39)

Easy Fixes for Smelly Feet 

I must admit this is a bit personal for me, too, as I’ve struggled with foot odor for many years. I tried everything to control it, but nothing worked.

Dr. Hiro explained to me that actually the average person’s foot contains 600 sweat glands per square centimeter, hundreds more than the armpits!

So, it turns out smelly feet are a more widespread problem than we like to admit. But Dr. Hiro gave me not one, not two...but 10 very simple and efficient natural remedies!

Each of these can help you get rid of sweaty and smelly feet and end the embarrassment forever! In just about a week, the cheese-like smell will be gone from your feet for good.

FREE bonus #3 ($49)

Lazy Man’s One Day Detox 

This is a powerful tool that will turbocharge your healing and wipe out the toxic chemicals that run through your body.

Your body needs to flush out the toxins and harmful substances that are poisoning your blood or else they will build up and cause diseases.

This precise recipe for a one-day detox is more effective than most of the ten days or two-week detox systems, because of the green formula featured inside.

Take a day off to take care of your body.

Tip: follow this detox while pampering yourself with

soothing music, meditation and positive thoughts.

So, for all these FREE gifts, you save almost $250

Here’s the deal, get 3 bottles of Myco Nuker™ right now, and get an important protocol on natural detoxification worth $49, absolutely for free.

Better still, buy 6 bottles of Myco Nuker™ now, and we will gift you all three important protocols on natural nutrition and vitamins, smelly feet fixes and detoxification, each worth $39 or $49, for FREE!

And even MORE,

We want you to be completely satisfied, so we are even going to ship every order made today, plus the three bonuses to you FOR FREE.

Because we truly believe we have developed one of the most innovative products in the world, and we are confident you will love the results that Myco Nuker™ has in store for you!

Sounds good to you?

Then click below now.

Do the right thing for your health and the health of your loved ones and choose your package below right NOW.

Once you choose the package you feel is right for you, you will be taken to a page that looks like this.

There, fill in your payment details using a credit card, debit card.

Once you fill in your information and confirm your choice, your bottle of Myco Nuker™ will be shipped out for free to your door.

And if you are smart and order a 3 or 6-month package, we’ll send you your free eBooks on vitamins & minerals, detox and good-smelling feet with your order too.

And yes, your order today is a one-time payment with no subscriptions or hidden charges. We dislike those as much as you do.

Act fast. Click below to select your package.


1 bottle at

Total: $69

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$9.95 shipping and handling

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook$37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet$37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox$37 FREE


Best Value

6 bottles at

Total: $294

You save $120


Free Shipping

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook $37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet $37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox $37 FREE

VIP “Wellness” Mentoring Service $237 FREE


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3 bottles at

Total: $177

You save $30


Free Shipping

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook$37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet$37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox$37 FREE

Together with Dr. Hiro and Helen Smith, we are the only ones who produce this complete health elixir...

So HERE and NOW is your one and only chance to get your hands on this exclusive formula, at the BEST price and with these exciting FREE bonuses!

And be warned, the stock of Myco Nuker™ is selling very, very fast - and I’d like you to get yours today while stocks last. You’re still here which means your personal bottles are reserved.

But if you close this page you will lose your reserved stock, and this opportunity may be gone forever.

Grab it right now.

The clock is ticking. You don't want to go through what Anna went through. Why would you risk it when the key is right at your fingertips?

Choose your health now.

And, if you doubt a little that this can be effective for you, I completely understand.

After all, you’ve been lied to and manipulated your entire life into believing that antibiotics and antifungals are your only chance to target fungal infection and to treat it.

Because the $13,719 million antifungal industry will hide from you the fact that there’s a fast, simple and natural way to target and annihilate fungal infection and restore your health.

So, to prove to you that this health elixir works, and you have absolutely nothing to worry about

I’m giving you a 60-day, risk-free money-back guarantee.

This is how much I trust Myco Nuker™.

And if you don’t experience a significant improvement in your health

if you don’t see the fungal infection retreating from your body day by day

if you are not overflowing with energy and enthusiasm (as the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in Myco Nuker kick in)

or even if you change your mind for any reason at all.

Even if you use up the entire bottle, and if you still want to get your money back, I’m ready to take that risk.

All you need to do is contact us within 60 days, and we will refund you the purchase price right away.

That's right. We're giving you a full 2 months to decide. 2 months to test drive this miracle formula.

And all you have to do to claim your discount and take advantage of this amazing deal is to choose your package below right now…

We’ll cover 100% of the shipping costs to help you get Myco Nuker™ immediately on your doorstep.

And if you made the wise decision to get the heavily discounted 3- or 6-month packages, we’ll ship your free eBooks on Vitamins & Minerals, Good Smelling Feet and Lazy Man’s Detox right along with it.

No hidden fees or subscriptions. Just a safe and secure one-time simple fee.


And remember, your order is 100% protected by my 60-day money back guarantee.

OK, the time to take action is now.

Because, even if you don’t know it by now, this is a unique moment in your life…

And you really just have two choices…

Leading to two very different lives…

The best one is living a healthy life, where your body gets the power to support its natural youth and strength

And the other is just a continuation of the life you have now…

So, listen closely as I tell you what your two options are so you can make the right choice for you…

OPTION #1: You can choose to do exactly what the mainstream ‘healthcare’ system wants you to do, and carry on damaging your body with dangerous synthetic drugs, and maybe temporarily heal your fungal infection, but have it all come back even worse than it is now…

But how are you going to feel in a while if you don't take the right action today and you're still suffering from fungus…

Or God forbid, how will you feel if your internal fungal poisoning keeps spreading

You’ll never escape the cycle of taking more and more drugs - which were never designed to truly heal you. They were designed to keep you trapped into a vicious circle and keep you coming back for more…

That’s the way the pharmaceutical industry works.

It locks you into a lifetime of side effect-ridden drugs and you always need to spend more to solve the damage the previous one has done…

I’ve seen it so many times before…

When people wait too long to act…

And maybe you have experienced it before...

That feeling of exhaustion

Of never being completely healthy

Of wanting to BREAK FREE from your struggle against your infections and your body every single day…

Wondering why it’s SO HARD for you to get healthy and energetic and STAY that way

Because, if left untreated or treated poorly, an internal fungal infection can give you low-energy, indigestion, chronic pain, and disrupt your sleep…

It can even attack your liver, lungs and heart, threatening to shut them down entirely...

I know you don’t want that

And remember, the average American will spend more than $170,250 in their attempt to rejuvenate their skin and body, fight the infections, get vitamins boost and mood elevators…

That’s the financial cost of doing nothing.

The human cost is far greater.

Is that really a risk you want to take to save a few dollars?

Truth is, I know you are tired of seeing your crumbled nails, the rashes on your skin, the tired body and face staring at you every time you look in the mirror…

Of pretending the smell of your feet, the cracked skin or the low energy doesn’t bother you and that you’re “OK” with the way you feel right now...

Of CRAVING to know what it’s like to have HEALTH, STRENGTH and ENERGY like you did when you were younger…

And this is why I urge you to take a second here and seriously consider taking:


Which is actually your BEST CHOICE.

Investing in a one-time payment in Myco Nuker™ today, so you can take my formula for a test drive, completely risk-free for a full 60 days…

And living a lifetime of energy, hope and passion, where you feel young and strong and are amazed every time you look in the mirror…

Just imagine how uplifting this would feel…

FREE from the shame the ugly and foul-smelling fungus brings to you…

You DESERVE this!


Simply say “Yes!” right now.

Just choose your package below, enter your payment information on our secure order form right now, while you still have the chance, and claim your spot in the Myco Nuker™ community…


1 bottle at

Total: $69

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$9.95 shipping and handling

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook$37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet$37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox$37 FREE


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6 bottles at

Total: $294

You save $120


Free Shipping

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook $37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet $37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox $37 FREE

VIP “Wellness” Mentoring Service $237 FREE


Most Popular

3 bottles at

Total: $177

You save $30


Free Shipping

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook$37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet$37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox$37 FREE

Remember - every 3- and 6-month package comes with a FREE bonus of two or three eBooks with important protocols on natural nutrition and vitamins, smelly feet fixes and detoxification, each worth $39 or $49.

And every order comes with 100% free shipping, no matter where you live.

Order below and experience firsthand the amazing Myco Nuker’s health benefits - I can’t wait for you to see how beautiful your fungus-free life will be…

Get the simple, tested method that SAVED my beautiful wife Anna from fungal infection and an early grave.

Get the SECRET to total fungal annihilation, young skin and a rejuvenated, healthy body that has been kept from you for so long…

Close your eyes for a moment and picture how it would feel...

Imagine opening your eyes in the morning and feeling healthy and filled with hope for the first time in years…

And all of these amazing health benefits mean that you’ll be able to work better and to enjoy life better and be there for the ones you love.

More than 27,305 Americans have flushed their fungal infections and the associated health-hazards down the drain.

Join in!

The choice is yours.

But this is your last chance.

So, make the right choice for you and your loved ones.

Click on the button below and test Myco Nuker™, completely risk-free for a full 60 days – and start savoring your exuberant body and life at their best.

Only right HERE and right NOW you can get Myco Nuker™ at the best price with these free bonuses.


1 bottle at

Total: $69

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$9.95 shipping and handling

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook$37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet$37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox$37 FREE


Best Value

6 bottles at

Total: $294

You save $120


Free Shipping

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook $37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet $37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox $37 FREE

VIP “Wellness” Mentoring Service $237 FREE


Most Popular

3 bottles at

Total: $177

You save $30


Free Shipping

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook$37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet$37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox$37 FREE

Thank you so much for reading this report. I’ll be here, waiting to hear from you about your success story.


Peter Wright, EMT

Frequently Asked Questions

P.S. Dear reader, I took a second to answer some of the most common questions I get about Myco Nuker™.

The first and most frequent question I get is:

Is Myco Nuker™ right for me?

Well, if you answer “Yes” to even one of my questions below, then Myco Nuker is especially for you.

Are you over 40? Have you ever had Toenail Fungus, Candida, Jock Itch, dermatitis, rashes and eczemas or any other fungal infections? Have you taken antibiotics, antifungals or any other synthetic drugs?

Because if that's you, then Myco Nuker™ is absolutely the right choice. As I’ve told you before, the real problem with not being able to truly heal a fungal infection is that chemicals can’t target the fungal infection only, and they end up breaking your immunity, and thus opening the door for the fungal infection to really damage you.

Myco Nuker will help you end this vicious circle.

Is Myco Nuker™ safe?

Yes, Myco Nuker™ is safe. Myco Nuker has been beneficial to thousands of people, with no reported side effects. The only side effect is having to go shopping for new sexy shoes, clothes and swimming suits, or resume your pool subscription.

Myco Nuker is much safer than your prescription drugs because it is all natural, with no disrupting chemicals, no dangerous side effects. With Myco Nuker™, you are restoring and fortifying your body’s immunity, which is the first and most valuable thing you can do for a resilient body and healthy aging.

Myco Nuker™ is even safer than most of your multivitamins because its 100% natural ingredients are exceptionally high quality, manufactured at an FDA-inspected, state-of-the-art facility, using the most modern equipment. So, you can trust Myco Nuker™.

Of course, if you currently have a medical condition or you're taking other prescription medication, we recommend you show this bottle to your doctor before taking it for 100% safety.

When should I take Myco Nuker™?

To get the best results, take two capsules with a big glass of water in the evening for better absorption and additional vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and antifungal support. Myco Nuker™ is going to join forces with your body naturally to give you back your health and youth, and it's going to help you rejuvenate, fortify, energize yourself, and have a general good mood to live your life with joy.

Can you tell me more about the guarantee, in case it doesn’t work for me?

I'm confident that Myco Nuker™ will give you the powerful support you need to target and eliminate the fungal infection out of your body, but I also know that no two people's bodies work the exact same way. So, a small number of people might find it doesn't give them all of the benefits they were looking for as fast. And that's why every single bottle of Myco Nuker™ comes with my personal 60-day 100% money back guarantee. If for any reason you're unsatisfied with your results, you can just return what you haven't used for a full, no questions asked refund.

What if I eliminate fungus and boost my energy levels too fast?

Well, the results that we've highlighted today are incredible, and if you get energized too fast, I would suggest taking Myco Nuker™ every second day rather than every day, and always consult with your doctor. Myco Nuker is an extremely powerful remedy.

Even with that in mind, we always want to advise you to rejuvenate and fortify your body at a healthy, steady pace.

Now, I know it can be exciting to see results that you've been wanting for so long.

But it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in addition to taking Myco Nuker™, and that way you're going to get the best long-term results.

So, I'm really looking forward to hearing your success story and I want to thank you for sticking around and hearing about this incredible new tool in your fungal-nuking and fortifying journey.

I hope I've answered any of your remaining questions, and by this time, I hope I've given you the confidence to order your own supply of Myco Nuker™ today.

You can go ahead and do that by just choosing your package below and completing your Myco Nuker™ order now. Remember shipping is 100% free.

And also, I do want to say I personally recommend our most popular 3 or 6 bottle package for the best value - and those come with FREE shipping, plus 3 SPECIAL BONUSES - The Vitamin And Mineral Handbook ($39), Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet($39) eBook and Lazy Man’s One Day Detox ($49), all absolutely FREE.

So just go ahead and click the button below, complete your checkout, and I'll be here to hear about your progress.

P.S.S. What people who tried Myco Nuker™ have to say about it.

Andy C. tried every antifungal treatment out there…

“When I finally stumbled upon Myco Nuker™, I felt like God was smiling down on me. I’ve had this fungus for years now and I’ve had my fair share of surgeries so far. Not a pleasant feeling, I’ve got to tell you! This is the first treatment that I have used that I can see working and clearing up my toenails day, by day.”

Sarah C. wrote me:

For the past 5 years I had a nasty case of toenail fungus on both feet. I tried everything... Nothing worked and the side-effects made my life even worse. All of that changed when I came across Myco Nuker™. Finally, a formula that has cleared up my nails and you only spend 7 seconds a day to use it. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to have perfect, pink, clear nails once again."

Jason W. told us:

“It is simply AMAZING! After injuring 3 of my 5 toes about 7 years ago, I have been dealing with yellow, thick toenails on my right foot. After just 10 days of using this, my nails are no longer yellow & my foot no longer itches. Myco Nuker™ is amazing & I totally recommend this to anyone dealing with similar conditions."

Linda S. emailed:

“I never expected to find a cure for my nails on the internet, but this just shows you that sometimes help can come from unexpected places.”

Jenna M. said:

"I’ve been using Myco Nuker™ for 5 months now, my big toenail is completely clear and pretty! I could finally wear open-toed shoes again for an office party, something which I haven’t done in 2 years since I got the damn fungal infection. I’ll also mention this: since starting using this, I haven’t had a single cold! I was always sickly but now I feel strong and healthy and full of energy! Love it!"

Jake M. wrote:

“Myco Nuker™ is so easy to use and is so effective, that I didn’t even realize that 14 days had already passed. And my nails looked healthy again!”

Product label

Reference list:


1 bottle at

Total: $69

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$9.95 shipping and handling

The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook$37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet$37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox$37 FREE


Best Value

6 bottles at

Total: $294

You save $120


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The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook $37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet $37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox $37 FREE

VIP “Wellness” Mentoring Service $237 FREE


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3 bottles at

Total: $177

You save $30


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The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook$37 FREE

Easy Fixes For Smelly Feet$37 FREE

Lazy Man's One Day Detox$37 FREE



The most popular order for new customers is the 3 bottle package, and that's what Dr. Ishiguro recommends to start with. However, because we have many repeat customers, we offer the 6 bottles package so you can take advantage of an even bigger discount.


This is very safe. It is an all-natural supplement that combines 25 high-quality anti-fungal superfoods with cutting-edge wellness support blends in a highly efficient supplement that eradicated all fungal colonies from the body, with added health benefits such as: anti-inflammatory proprieties, cognitive function improvement, antioxidant activity, increased energy levels and many more. It has no severe or potentially dangerous side effects. However, as a physician, Dr. Ishiguro recommends consulting with your health care provider before beginning any new program.


This product is intended for use as a dietary supplement. Take 2 veggie capsules daily. For optimal results take this supplement 20 to 30 minutes before eating with a full 8-ounce glass of water or as otherwise directed by your physician.


We know that individual bodies can react differently to the very same compounds. Even though everyone can benefit from this unique 25 high-quality anti-fungal superfoods and cutting-edge wellness support blends, we’re aware that results can vary. So, if you're unsatisfied with this product for any reason whatsoever after a full 60 days of use, I'll return your money, hassle-free…guaranteed.


Most members reported noticeable improvements from day 1. However, the most dramatic results were reported after consistent use over the course of 2-3 weeks. Please use as directed.

If you have any questions please contact us at

Unauthorized duplication or publication of any materials from this site is expressly prohibited.
The author of this material wishes to keep his identity private, therefore Terry Williams is a pen name.

Click here to find evidence of tests, analysis, research, or studies describing the benefits, performance or efficacy of some of the ingredients of Myco Nuker based on the expertise of relevant professionals.

All statements and results presented on this website are for informational purposes only. If you have a health problem, or you have sensible allergies, are pregnant or diagnosed with chronic conditions, it is strongly recommend that you consult your doctor immediately and before taking any pills or supplements. The efficacy and safety of the supplements here advertised have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not dietary supplements. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. Individual results may vary depending on the case. Read more here.

© 2018 All rights reserved.